
Monday, April 19, 2010

鹿 村野四郎

鹿 (Shika) 村野四郎

鹿は 森のはずれの
夕日の中に じっと立っていた
小さい額 (hitai)が狙 (nera)われているのを
けれども 彼に
どうすることが出来 (deki)ただろう
生きる時間が黄金 (_gon)のように光る
彼の棲家 (sumika)である
大きい森の夜を背景 (haikei)にして

A Deer by Murano shirou

A deer at the verge of the forest
in the sunset was standing motionless.
He knew
his small forehead was being aimed at
nevertheless for him
what was there to do?
He, standing elegantly,
was staring toward a village
(the time for living glistens like gold)
from there where his dwelling place was
against the night of the big forest.